[1] [2] [3] But others affirme, that after long disputation in the matter, by order of king Edward, Polydor. there were ap|pointed 80 ancient and graue personages, amongst the which were 30 Englishmen, vnto whom (being sworne and admonished to haue God before their eies) authoritie was giuen to name him that should be king. These 80 persons after they had well consi|dered vnto whome the right apperteined, declared with one voi [...]e, that Iohn Balioll was rightful king. [page 289] king Edward allowed their sentence, and by his au|thoritie confirmed vnto the same Iohn, the possession of the kingdome of Scotland, with condition that if he did not gouerne that realme with iustice, then vp|on complaint, the king of England might put vnto his hand of reformation, as he was bound to doo by his right of superioritie, that in him was inuested. Herevpon king Edward awarded foorth his writ of deliuerie of seizine at the suit of the said I. Balioll, to William and Robert, bishops of S. Andrewes and Glasco, to Iohn lord Comin, Iames lord Steward of Scotland, and to the lord Brian Fitz Alane, war|dens of Scotland, commanding them to deliuer vn|to the said Iohn Balioll the seizine and possession of that realme, sauing the releefes and debts due to him of the issues and profits of the same realme, vnto the day of the date of the writ, which was the ninetéenth day of Nouember, in the twentie yere of his reigne. Also there was another writ made, and directed to such as had the kéeping of the castels in their hands, in forme as followeth.