[1] [2] They fulfilling his desire, when he came in, and was brought afore the captein sitting then at break|fast, he said vnto him:
Behold sir, here ye may per|use the king of Englands secrets, and withall raught to him a box, wherein the packet of the kings letters were inclosed, and appoint me (saith he) to some cor|ner of the wall, and trie whether I can handle a crosse|bow or not, to defend it against your aduersaries.Héere when others would haue opened the box, and haue read the letters, the capteine would in no wise consent thereto, but going into a turret, called to the Englishmen beelow, and willed them to signifie to the king, that one of his seruants being fled to him, sought to bewraie his secrets, wherevnto he would by no means agree, and therefore meant to restore both the traitor and the letters. Herevpon, the lord Iohn Spenser, comming to heare what the matter might meane, the capteine caused Lewin to be let downe to him, togither with the letters safe, and not touched by him at all.