[1] The conclusion of this matter was this, that the prior was cited by the pope,The conclu|sion of the strife betwixt the bishop and moonks of Durham. to appeare at his consisto|rie, whither he went, hauing the kings letters in his fauour directed to the pope; wherevpon, when the pope had examined the matter, and heard the prior speake in his owne person, he perceiued him to be otherwise than he was informed (a sober and discréet man) and therefore restored him againe to the gouernment of his house; but he remained in the popes court, till after the kings death, and finallie died there himselfe in the yeare 1307. But now to returne to other doo|ings of king Edward. We find, that whilest he lay still at Lauercost,Bernards ca|stell giuen to the earle of Warwike. he gaue to the earle of Warwike Bernards castell, the which he had by escheat, through forfeiture thereof made by Iohn Balioll late king of Scotland. He also tooke and seized into his hands Penreth with the appurtenances.