[1] And further, when king Edward himselfe was crowned at Westminster, in the yeare of our Lord 1274, being the second of his reigne, the last deceas|sed K. of Scotland, Alexander the third of that name did homage vnto him at Westminster the morrow after the coronation. All which homages and fealties thus done by sundrie kings of Scotland, vnto sun|drie kings of England, were directlie and most ma|nifestlie prooued to be doone for the realme of Scot|land, and not onelie for the lands which they held of the kings of England within England, as the Sco|tish writers would séeme to colour the matter. But things being then fresh in memorie, no such cauilla|tion might be auerred.K. Edward recognised for superiour lord of Scotland. And so herevpon king Ed|wards title being substantiallie prooued, he was re|cognised superiour lord of Scotland, of all them that pretended title at that time to that kingdome, by writings thereof made and confirmed vnder their seales, the which being written in French conteined matter as here followeth.