[1] [2] Lisle besie|ged.About the feast of the natiuitie of S. Iohn Bap|tist, he laid siege to Lisle, and shortlie after came the earle of Arthois, being returned out of Gascoine with his power vnto that siege, and was sent foorth to kéepe the Flemings and others occupied,The earle of Arthois van|quisheth the Flemings in battell. which laie at Furneis, and in other places thereabouts in low Flanders, with whome he fought and got the victorie. King Edward therefore, to succour his fréends pre|pared to go ouer into Flanders, and therevpon sum|moned all those that owght him any seruice, N. Triuet. & such also as held lands to the value of twentie pounds and aboue, to be readie with horsse and harnesse at Lon|don about Lammas to passe ouer with him in that iournie.