[1] [2] After this, king Edward went forward to see the mounteine countries of Scotland,K. Edward passeth for|ward through Scotland. the bishop of Durham euer kéeping a daies iournie afore him. At length, when he had passed through Murrey land, and was come to Elghin, perceiuing all things to be in quiet, he returned towards Berwike, and comming to the abbeie of Scone, he tooke from thence the mar|ble stone,K. Edward bringeth the marble stone out of Scot|land. wherevpon the kings of Scotland were ac|customed to sit as in a chaire, at the time of their co|ronation, which king Edward caused now to be transferred to Westminster and there placed, to serue for a chaire for the priest to sit in at the altar. The king comming to Berwike, called thither vnto a parlement all the nobles of Scotland, and there receiued of them their homages,The nobilitie of Scotland submit them|selues to the king. the which in perpe|tuall witnesse of the thing, made letters patents thereof, written in French, and sealed with their seales, as the tenor here followeth.