[1] Patrike earle of Dunbar came to the king of England, and submitted himselfe, with all that he had into his hands;The castell of Dunbar ren|dred to the Scots. but the castell of Dunbar vpon saint Markes day, being assieged of the Scots was ren|dred vnto them, by treason of some that were within it, of whome, the countesse (wife to the same erle) was the chéefest;

Beside 2000 barded horsses they had in that armie 10000 foot|men.

N. Triuet. Matth. Westm. Abington.

A sore battell fought at Dunbar.

The number slaine.

Matth. Westm. Abington.

for recouerie whereof king Edward sent Iohn earle of Warren, Surrey and Sussex, & Wil|liam earle of Warwike with a great power, the which laieng siege to that castell, a great host of Sco|tishmen came vpon them to the rescue of them with|in, so that there was foughten a verie sore and terri|ble battell. At length, the victorie abode with the En|glishmen, and the Scotishmen were put to flight, the Englishmen following them in chase eight mile of that countrie, almost to the forrest of Selkirke: the slaughter was great, so that (as was estéemed) there died of the Scotishmen that day, to the number of ten thousand.