[1] [2] [3] This yeere Humfrey Bohun earle of Hereford departed out of this life,The deceasse of the earle of Hereford. after whome succeeded his sonne Humfrey, who afterwards maried the kings daughter, Elizabeth countesse of Holland, after that hir first husband was dead. Tournies, Re. Tur. Tournies prohibited. iustes, barri|ers, and other warlike exercises, which yoong lords and gentlemen had appointed to exercise for their pa|stime in diuerse parts of the realme, were forbidden by the kings proclamations sent downe to be pub|lished by the shirifs in euerie countie abroad in the realme: the teste of the writ was from Westmin|ster the sixteenth of Iulie. ¶ The citizens of Bur|deaux could not beare the yoke of the French bon|dage, and therefore this yéere about Christmasse ex|pelled them out of their citie. ¶ Shortlie after the French king doubting least the king of England, by the setting on of the pope, should make warres a|gainst him for wrongfull deteining of Gascoine, to purchase his fauor,Townes re|stored to the k. in Gascoine. restored to him all that which he held in Gascoine, and so then they of Burdeaux also submitted themselues to the king of England of their owne accord.