[1] Moreouer, whereas Rees ap Meridoc continu|ed still in his mischieuous dooings, at length, the lord deputie of Wales, Polydor. Ran. Higd. N. Triuet. Robert Tiptost, vsing both spée|die diligence and timelie counsell, gathered all such power as he could make, & passed foorth against his aduersaries. Whereof when sir Rées was aduertised, and vnderstanding that the Englishmen were farre fewer in number than his Welshmen, he thought to ouerthrow them at his pleasure, and therefore incou|raging his people with manie comfortable words, to shew their manhood vpon the Englishmens approch, he hasted to méet them. The Welshmen being for the more part but yoong souldiers, and not trained to kéepe any order of battell, ran fiercelie vpon their e|nimies, assailing them on the front before, on the sides a flanke, and on the backe behind, inforcing themselues to the vttermost of their power to breake their arraie.