[1] About the same time the king remooued all such shiriffes as were either préests or strangers, Chron. Dunst. and in their places appointed knights to be shiriffes, that were of the same countrie where their offices laie. Moreouer,The castels of Flint & Rut|land built. about this season king Edward builded the castell of Flint, and fortified the castell of Rut|land and others, placing garrisons of Englishmen in the same to defend the countrie, and to kéepe the Welshmen vnder obedience. But Leolin so smallie regarded all couenants made, and bene|fits receiued, that shortlie after, vpon the death of his late married wife, being summoned to come to a parlement holden by king Edward, he disdained to obeie, and vpon a verie spite began to make new warre to the Englishmen,Leolin begin|neth new war in wasting and destroi|eng the countrie: notwithstanding king Edward had so manie waies doone him good, and had giuen him iust cause of thankfulnesse, which is the common reward of benefits, and which little recompense who|so neglecteth to make, being but a little lip-labour,

Non est laudari dignus, nec dignus amari.