[1] The lord Roger Mortimer kept a great feast at Killingworth, with iusts and triumphs of an hun|dred knights and as manie ladies, to the which resor|ted lords, knights, & gentlemen from diuerse coun|tries and lands, to shew proofe of their valiancie in the practise of warlike feats and exercises. Anno Reg. 8. 1280 In the meane season king Edward standing in need of mo|nie, N. Tr [...]uet. Polydor. Abington. A shift to get monie. deuised a new shift to serue his turne, as this: namely that wheras he was cheefe lord of many lord|ships, manours, possessions and tenements, he well vnderstood, that partlie by length and proces of time, and partlie by casualties during the troubles of the ciuill warres, manie mens euidences, as their char|ters, déeds, copies and other writings were lost, wa|sted, and made awaie, he therfore vnder colour to put the statute of (Quo waranto) in execution, which was ordeined this yeare in the parlement holden at Glo|cester in August last past (as some write) did now command by publike proclamation, that all such as held any lands or tenements of him, should come and shew by what right and title they held the same, that by such meanes their possessions might returne vnto him, by escheat as cheefe lord of the same, and so to be sold or redeemed againe at his hands.