[1] King Edward at the first
like a prudent prince chose the wisest and worthiest men to be of his
coun|cell, & to purchase the loue of his subiects, whose minds were
somewhat offended towards his father (by rea|son that he refused to kéepe
promise with them, touch|ing the restitution of gentle and fauourable lawes)
king Edward shewed himselfe so gentle towards all [page 278] degrées
of men, that he séemed to exceed the reasona|ble bounds of courteous
humanitie, much more than became his roiall estate.1275
Anno Reg. 3. After this, he reformed di|uerse lawes
and statutes, and deuised some new or|dinances, greatlie for the wealth of
the realme. He held his first parlement at Westminster,
A parlement. The statutes of Westmin|ster. The prince of Wales Leo|lin.