[1] King Edward being aduertised of the losse which his men had susteined in Scotland,A subsidie. streightwaies called a parlement, wherein by assent of the states a subsidie was granted, towards the maintenance of his warres, and then the same being leuied he assem|bled his people,The king go|eth in person into Scot|land. and shortlie after about Whitsuntide entred into Scotland to reuenge the death of his men. The Scots hearing of the kings comming, fled into the mounteins, mosses, and marish grounds, not once shewing any countenance to fight any set battell with the English host, so that the king in maner without resistance passed through the coun|trie euen vnto Cathnes,Cathnes. which is the furthest part of all Scotland. Manie of the Scots perceiuing their lacke of power to resist the English puissance, came to king Edward,The Scots submit them|selues to the king. and submitted themselues, with condition that they should inioy their lands which he had giuen awaie to his lords, they redéeming the same with conuenient fines, which was granted.