[1] [2] [3] And now to the storie. K. Edward remaind at Ber|wike 15 daies,K. Edward fortifieth Berwike. & caused a ditch to be cast about the towne of 80 foot in breadth, & of the like in depth. In the meane time,A scotish frier sent to king Edward. about the beginning of Aprill, the warden and reader of the frier minors of Rockes|borough called Adam Blunt, came vnto him with letters of complaint from king Iohn, for the wrongs doone and offered vnto him and his realme, as well in claiming an vniust superioritie, and constreining him to doo homage by vndue and wrongfull meanes, as also by inuading his townes,The Scotish king renoun|ceth his ho|mage and fe|altie vnto the king of En|gland. slaieng and robbing his subiects: for the which causes he testified by the same letters, that he renounced all such homage and fealtie for him and his subiects, as he, or any of them owght for any lands holden within England. The king hearing the letters red, receiued the resignation of the homage, and commanded his chancellor, that the letter might be registred in perpetuall memorie of the thing.