[1] Some saie there died of the Scots that daie (be|ing the two & twentith of Iulie, Nic. Triuet. and the feast of Ma|rie Magdalene) aboue twentie thousand. Other write that there were slaine at the least to the number of 15 thousand. Matth. West. saith fourtie thousand. Polydo [...]. N. Triuet. The Scotish writers alledge that this battell was lost by trea [...]on of the coming and other, as in the Scotish his [...]orie ye may more plainlie per|ceiue, with more [...]ter touching the same battell: after this was the towne of saint Andrews destroi|ed,The towns of S. Andrews. no man being within to make resistance. And from thence the English armie came through Sel|kirke forrest vnto the castell of Aire, which they found [...]:The castell of Aire. and after they came by the towne of Annan, and tooke the castell of Lochmaben, and so returned into England by the west marches, and came to Carleill.