[1] [2] [3] This doone, and euerie thing ordered as séemed most expedient, king Edward returned into the south parts of his realme, to be at his mothers buri|all, that in this meane time was departed this life.The kings mother de|ceassed. Hir hart was buried in the church of the Graifriers at London, & hir bodie at Ambresburie in the house of the nunnes. ¶After the funerals were ended, king Edward returned into the north parts againe: he staied a while at Yorke, and during his abode there, Rées ap Meridoc (of whome ye haue heard before) was by order of law condemned & executed. ¶ This yeare after Easter, as the fléet laie before S. Mat|thewes in Britaine, Anno Reg. 2 [...] 1292 there rose certeine discord be|twixt the Norman mariners, and them of Baion, Nic. Triue [...]. and so farre the quarell increased, that they fell to trie it by force, the Englishmen assisting them of Baion, and the French kings subiects taking part with the Normans, and now they fraught not their ships so much with merchandize as with armour & weapon. At length the matter burst out from sparkes into o|pen flame, the sequele wherof hereafter shall appeare, as we find it reported by writers.