[1] [2] Rob. Bruce fled into Ken|tire.The earle following the chase, pursued them euen into Kentire, not resting till he vnderstood that a great number of them were gotten into a castell, which he besieged, in hope to haue found Robert Bruce within it, but he was fled further into the countrie. Howbeit, his wife and his brother Nigell or Neall,

His wife and brother are taken.

The earle of Itholl taken. Fabian.

with diuerse other were taken in this ca|stell, and sent in safetie vnto Berwike. Also shortlie after, the earle of Atholl was taken, being fled out of the same castell. ¶ But some write, that this earle was taken in the battell last remembred, after long fight and great slaughter of Scots, to the number of seuen thousand, and also that in the chase, the lord Si|mon de Friseill was taken, with the bishops of saint Andrews and Glasco, the abbat of Scone, and the said earle of Atholl, named sir Iohn Chambres. The bishops and abbat, Nic. Triuet. Matth. West. king Edward sent vnto pope In|nocent, with report of their periurie: but others write, that the foresaid bishops and abbat being ta|ken indéed the same yeare, were brought into Eng|land, and there kept as prisoners within sunbrie ca|stels.