[1] Sir Rafe Monthermer released.After this, the king caused sir Rafe Monthermer (whom his daughter the countesse of Glocester, in hir widowhood had taken to husband without kno|ledge of hir father) to be deliuered out of the castell of Bristow, wherein he had béene kept prisoner a cer|teine time vpon displeasure for the marriage: but now he was not onelie set at libertie, but also resto|red to his wife, and to all the lands perteining to the earledome of Glocester, appointing him to find 50 men at armes to serue in that iournie into Flan|ders.Scotishmen released. He also deliuered the earles of Cassels and Menteth, Iohn Comin, and diuers other Scotish|men, appointing them also to go with him into Flan|ders. Finallie hauing assembled his armie, ouer the which he made the lord Thomas Berklie constable, and Geffrey Ienuille marshall,The lord Berkley. A libell deli|uered to the king from [...] earles o [...] H [...]|reford and Marshall. he went to Win|chelsey, and whilst he laie there before he tooke the sea, there was presented vnto him from the earles a wri|ting, which conteined the causes of the gréefe of all the archbishops, bishops, abbats, earles, lords, barons, and of all the communaltie, as well for summoning them to serue by an vndue meane, as also for the vn|reasonable taxes, subsidies, impositions & paiements which they dailie susteined, and namelie the impost augmented vpon the custome of wooll seemed to them verie greeuous. For whereas for euerie sacke of whole wooll there was fortie shillings paid, and for e|uerie sacke of broken wooll one marke: it was well knowne, that the wooll of England was almost in value esteemed to be woorth halfe the riches of the realme, and so the custome thereof paid, would as|cend to a fift part of all the substance of the land.