[1] Letters pa|tents.The king of England certified hereof, sent his let|ters patents, directed vnto all his officers and mini|sters in Gascoigne, commanding them to obeie in all things the French kings pleasure. These letters patents were first sent vnto the earle of Lancaster, that he might cause them to be conueied into Gas|coigne when he should sée time. The earle hauing re|ceiued those letters, doubting whether the French K. would obserue the agreement which the queenes had made and concluded, or not; required of them that he might heare the French king speake the word, that he would stand vnto that which they had conclu|ded. Wherevpon in the presence of the said earle and his wife Blanch queene of Nauar, mother to the French queene, also of the duke of Burgoigne, Hugh Ueere sonne to the earle of Oxenford, and of a chapline called sir Iohn Lacie, the French king pro|mised by the faith of a prince, that he would fulfill the promises of the said quéenes, and the couenants by them accorded.