[1] The wife of Robert le Bruce being daughter to the earle of Ulster, was sent vnto the manour of Brustwike, and there honorablie vsed, hauing a con|uenient number of seruants appointed to wait on hir. The earle of Ulster hir father,Bruces [...] whose daugh|ter she was. in the beginning of these last wars, sent vnto king Edward two of his owne sonnes to remaine with him, in such wise as he should thinke conuenient, to assure himselfe of him, that he would attempt nothing against the English subiects. Also it was said, that the ladie hir selfe, the same daie hir husband and she should be crowned, said,The saieng of Robert Bruces wi [...]e. that she feared they should proue but as a sum|mer king and quéene, such as in countrie townes the yoong folks choose for sport to danse about maipoles. For these causes was she the more courteouslie vsed at the kings hands, as reason no lesse required.