[1] [2] The Northumberland men conueied their wiues, their children, their cattell, & other goods, which might be remoued, out of the countrie for feare of the eni|mies inuasion: but when the Scots lingered time,The Scots inuade Nor|thumberland, and spoile the countrie. and entred not within the English borders for a sea|son, they brought their goods againe, in hope that the Scots would not come foorth of their owne marches at that time. But the Scots hauing aduertisement thereof, about the feast of S. Luke entred the En|glish borders, and did much hurt within the countrie of Northumberland, so that to auoid the danger, all the religious men fled out of the monasteries situat betwixt Newcastell vpon Tine, and Carleill. The Scots spoiled, harried, and burnt vp the countrie, till the feast of saint Martine, and in the oactues of the same feast they drew togither, and went towards Carleill, which towne they summoned, as you shall heare.