[1] [2] [3] [4] This yeare the king went into Aragon, Anno Reg. 15. 1287 where his authoritie auailed much, in the making of agreement betwixt the kings of Aragon and Naples; whereby Charles king of Naples was then set at libertie, vp|on certeine contracts or couenants passed and a|greed betwixt them. Rich. South. ¶ The kings mother queene E|lianor this yeare forsooke the world, and tooke vpon hir the habit of a nunne at Ambresburie; but yet she still reteined and inioied hir dower by the popes au|thoritie and dispensation. About this time a squire called Chamberlaine, with his complices, set fire on the merchants boothes, at S. Butolphes faire;Bristow faire robbed. and whilest the merchants were about to quench the fire, the said squire and his complices set vpon the said merchants, slue manie of them, and robbed them of their goods. In this yeare fell variance betwéene the lord Paine Tiptost,Uariance be|twixt the lord Paine Tip|tost, and Rice ap Meridoc. wardeine of certeine castels in Wales, and a Welsh knight called sir Rees ap Meridoc, so that sundrie skirmishes were fough|ten betwixt them, and men slaine on both sides, to the great disturbance of the countrie.