[1] King Edward hauing made an end of his busi|nesse in Flanders,K. Edward returneth homeward [...] as before ye haue heard, returned [page 307] now towards England, and came to a towne called Ardenburge, where the most part of such Scotishmen as he had brought with him into Flanders slipped from him, and went vnto Paris. The king being re|turned into England, remooued the barons of the ex|cheker, and the iustices of the bench vnto Yorke, cal|ling a parlement thither, and gaue summons vnto the lords of Scotland to come to the same:The Scots s [...]mmoned to the parlement at Yorke, refu|sed to come. but ma|king default in their appearance, he sent foorth his commission and letters to warne his subiects to be readie with horsse and harnesse at Rockesborough in the feast of the Natiuitie of S. Iohn Baptist next in|suing.An armie rai|sed. They obeieng his commandement, assembled there at the day appointed.