[1] [2] In the meane time the king of England, desirous to be at quiet with the Frenchmen, appointed his brother Edmund earle of Lancaster, as then soiour|ning in France, to go vnto the French kings coun|cell to procure some agréement, which both might be allowed of the French king, and not be dishonora|ble vnto him. But when the earle could not preuaile in his sute, he tooke his iournie towards England, vtterlie despairing to procure any peace. But yer he came to the sea side, he was sent for backe againe by the two quéenes of France, Ione wife to king Philip, and Marie his mother in law, which promi|sed to frame some accord betweene the two kings, and so therevpon after diuerse communications by them had in the matter with the said earle of Lanca|ster, at length it was accorded, that for the sauing of the French kings honour, which séemed to be tou|ched by things doone by the king of Englands mini|sters in Gascoigne,The peace of the quéenes. six castels should remaine at the said kings pleasure, as Sanctes, Talemond, Tur|nim, Pomeroll, Penne, and mount Flaunton. Al|so there should be set a seruant or sergeant in the French kings name, in euerie citie and castell with|in all the whole duchie of Guien, except Burde|aux, Baion, and the Rioll. And further, hostages should be deliuered at the French kings pleasure, of all ministers to be placed by the king of England in Gascoigne and other places through all the country. These things doone, the French king should reuoke the summons published and pronounced in the court of Paris against the king of England. Also he shuld restore all the castels (his seruants being remooued which he had placed in the same) togither with the pledges incontinentlie, at the request of the same queenes, or of either of them. The king of England hauing a safe conduct should come to Amiens, that there méeting with the French king, peace and ami|tie might be confirmed betwixt them. Then were there writings made and ingrossed touching the for|said articles of agréement, one part deliuered to the [page 292] earle, sealed with the seales of the quéenes, and other remained with the foresaid quéenes sealed with the seale of the earle.