[1] [2] About the same time, Thomas Colebrugh or Cor|bridge archbishop of Yorke departed this life,The decea [...] of the archbi|shop of Yorke Wil. Gréene|field made archbishop of Yorke. and one William Greenefield doctour of both the lawes suc|céeded him. ¶ There died about the same time that valiant knight the lord W. Latimer. ¶ Also Iohn Warren earle of Surrey and Sussex died this yéere & was buried at Lewes. His nephue by his son (na|med also Iohn) succéeded him, obteining to wife the kings néece by his daughter Elianor that was mar|ried to the earle of Bar, as before ye haue heard. Likewise Robert Bruce earle of Carrike,Robert Bruce earle of Carrike departeth this life. the fift of that name died this yeare, who was father to that Robert Bruce that was after K. of Scots. ¶ More|ouer, about this season the king ordeined certeine commissioners of iusticiaries, to make inquisitions through the realme, N. Triuet. Inquisitions taken of the misdemea|nors of iu|stices. Caxton. by the verdict of substantiall iu|ries vpon all officers, as maiors, shiriffes, bailiffes, exchetors, and other that had misused themselues in their offices, either by extortion, briberie, or other|wise, to the gréeuance of the people, contrarie to that they rightlie might doo and iustifie by vertue of their offices: by means of which inquisitions manie were accused and found culpable, and therevpon put to gréeuous fines.Iustices fined.