[1] Moreouer, pope Clement ordeined Anthonie bi|shop of Durham, patriarch of Ierusalem, dispensing with him, so as he held still the bishoprike of Dur|ham, notwithstanding his other promotion; and this was, bicause the bishop was rich, and the pope poore. For this bishop might dispend in yearelie reuenues by purchases & inheritances,The great re [...]nues of Anthonie B. of Durham. besides that belonged to his miter, aboue fiue thousand marks, and he gaue great rewards to the pope, and to his cardinals, by means whereof he obteined in suit against the prior of Durham, so that he had the charge and ouersight of the monasterie of Durham, both the spirituall go|uernement and temporall, through informing the pope, that the prior was not able in discretion to rule the house. At his returning home, he caused a crosse of siluer and gilt, adorned with an image of the cruci|fix, to be borne afore him.