[1] The elect archbishop of Yorke William Gréene|field was confirmed this yeare by pope Clement the fift, at the citie of Lions in France, where the same pope was crowned about the same time, and held his court there, liuing cheeflie by the monie which he got of bishops that came to him for their confirmations: he had of the said archbishop of Yorke within one yeare,The summes of monie which the pope had of the archbish. of Yorke. nine thousand and 500 markes, besides the ex|penses which he was at whilest he laie there, and so when this archbishop was returned into England, through pouertie he was driuen to gather monie of the persons, préests, and religious men within his prouince at two sundrie times in one yeare, as first, in name of a courtesie and gratious beneuolence, and the second time by waie of an aid.