[1] Anno Reg. 16. 1288This yeare, and likewise the yeare last past, was such plentie of graine, that wheat was sold in some places of this land for twentie pence a quarter, Chron. Dunst. Nic. Treuet. and in some places for sixtéene pence, and pease for twelue pence a quarter. The summer this yeare excéeded in heat, so that men thorough the intemperate excesse thereof died in diuers places. ¶ It chanced in Gas|coigne,O woonder by thunder! that as the king & queene sate in their cham|ber vpon a bed talking togither, the thunder bolt comming in at the window behind them, passed through betwixt them as they sate, and slue two of their gentlemen that stood before them, to the great terror of all that were present. Ri. Southwell. ¶ This yeare diuerse of those that robd the faire at Boston, were executed.