[1] The king also by his speciall letters required the nobles of the realme, that if they continued in their due obedience to him, as they promised at his depar|ture out of the realme to doo, that then they should re|sort and appeare at his parlement,A parlement at Yorke. to begin at Yorke the morrow after the feast of saint Hilarie, without all excuse or delaie: for otherwise he would accompt them as enimies to the commonwelth of the realme. At which day appeared the earles of Warren and Glocester, with the countesse of Glocester his wife daughter to the king, the earles Marshall, Hereford, and Arundell, Guie sonne to the earle of Warwike in his fathers roome: and of barons, the lord Henrie Percie, the lord Iohn Wake, and the lord Iohn Se|graue, with manie of the nobilitie, the which being assembled togither, would that it should to all men be notified, in what manner the king had confirmed the great charter, and the charter of forrests: wherevpon the same being read with the articles therevnto ad|ded, Magna charta. and put in, the bishop of Carleill, adorned in pon|tificalibus, did pronounce all them accurssed, that went about to violate and breake the same. And bi|cause the Scotish lords appeared not, being summo|ned to be there, it was decreed that the armie should come togither at Newcastell vpon Tine, in the oc|taues of the feast of saint Hilarie next insuing, so that the generall musters might then and there be taken.