[1] [2] [3] The earles of Scotland before remembred, being assembled togither with their powers at the castell of Iedworth,The Scots inuade the English borders. entred into England the eighth of A|prill, and with fire and sword did much hurt in the countries as they passed. In Riddesdale they besie|ged the castell of Harbotell by the space of two daies,Harbotell. but when they could not preuaile, they remoued, and passing foorth by the east part of the riuer of Tine, tho|rough Cokesdale, Riddesdale, and Northumberland, vnto Hexham, they did much mischéefe by burning and harrieng the countries. Rich. South. At Hexham they spoi|led the abbeie church, and got a great number of the cleargie, as well moonks, priests, as scholers, and o|thers, whom they thrust into the schoolehouse there, and closing vp the dores, set fire on the schoole, and bur|ned all them to ashes that were within it. It is won|derfull to read, what beastlie crueltie the Scots vsed in that road which they made at that time in two se|uerall parts.The earle of Boghan. For the earle of Boghan, with them of Galloway, entred by Cumberland in like manner as the other did in Riddesdale, burning and murthe|ring all that came in their waie.The crueltie of the Scots. For whereas all those that were of able age and lustie to get awaie, fled, & escaped their hands; the aged & impotent crea|tures, women in childbed, and yoong children that could not shift for themselues, were vnmercifullie slaine, and thrust vpon speares, and shaken vp in the aire, where they yéelded vp their innocent ghosts in most pitifull wise.