[1] [2] [3] [4] The same yeare died Gilbert de Clare earle of Glocester, which left issue behind him,The death of noble men. begot of his wife the countesse Ione the kings daughter (beside three daughters) one yoong sonne named also Gil|bert to succeed him as his heire. The countesse his wife, after hir husbands deceasse, married a knight of meane estate, borne in the bishopricke of Du|resme, named sir Rafe Monthermer,Sir Rafe Montherme [...] wedded the countesse of Glocester. that had serued the earle hir first husband in his life time. The king at the first tooke displeasure herewith, but at length through the hie valiancie of the knight, oft times she|wed and apparantlie approoued, the matter was so well taken, that he was intituled earle of Glocester, [page 296] and aduanced to great honor. Anno Reg. 24. N. Triuet. ¶Iohn Romane arch|bishop of Yorke also this yeare died, after whome one Henrie de Newmarke deane of the colledge there succeeded. ¶ Moreouer the same yeare Wil|liam de Ualence earle of Penbroke departed this life, and lieth buried at Westminster, and then Ai|mer his sonne succeeded him.