[1] [2] [3] The earle of Lincolne with a great manie of o|ther wandred a great part of the night and knew not whither to go.The earle of Lincolne es|caped. At length about thrée of the clocke in the morning he came to Perforate, where he had lodged with his armie the night before, & there found a great number of his people right glad of his com|ming and happie escape out of danger.He commeth home. From thence he returned vnto Baion with the earle of Richmond sir Iohn de Britaine and all his companie that were left. And such was the hap of this iournie. In Lent following, those that were dispersed here and there a|broad, resorted to the earle of Lincolne, soiourning at Baion, and in the summer season made a iournie to|wards Tholouse,He inuadeth the countrie about Tho|louse. spoiling and wasting the countries of Tholouse and other there abouts, and remoued also the siege which those of Tholouse had laid vnto a fortresse called S. Kiternes, in chasing them from the same siege: and towards Michaelmasse they retur|ned to Baion, and there laie alle the winter till after Christmasse, and then by reason of the truce conclu|ded, as after appeareth, betwixt the two kings of En|gland & France, they returned home into England.