[1] [2] To this parlement was Leolin the prince of Wales summoned to come and doo his homage, ha|uing béene requested first to come to the kings co|ronation, but he refused; and now hauing sum|mons to come to this parlement, he excused him|selfe, affirming that he durst not come for feare of certeine noblemen that laie in wait for his life, re|quiring to haue pledges deliuered for his safe com|ming and going, the kings sonne, and Gilbert earle of Glocester, with Robert Burne [...]l the lord chance|lor. The king was greatlie offended with such a pre|sumptuous demand, but passed it ouer, till after the end of the parlement,The king cõ|meth to Che|ster. & then repairing to Chester he sent eftsoones messengers to the said Leolin, requi|ring of him to come & doo his homage, but he still de|tracted time, so that in the end the king raised an ar|mie, meaning to recouer that by force, which other|wise he could not obteine by quiet meanes. ¶This yéere the people paid a fifteenth to the king of all their temporall goods, which was said to be granted first to his father.