[1] In the winter of this yeare great flouds chanced, by reason of the excéeding abundance of raine that fell: and the sea alongst the northeast coasts from Humber to Yarmouth, brake into the land, ouerflow|ing the same by the space of three or foure leagues in breadth (as the author of the Chronicle of Dunstable affirmeth) ouerthrowing buildings, Chron. Dunst. and drowning vp men and cattell that could not auoid the danger by the sudden comming in thereof, namelie, about Yar|mouth, Dunwich, and Gippeswich. Likewise in the Mers land of Lincolnshire it did passing great hurt, bringing all the countrie into water. This chanced in the verie night of the beginning of this yéere, to wit, in the feast of the circumcision of our Lord, and in December it brake out againe in Northfolke and Suffolke, where it did much harme, namelie about Yarmouth.