[1] [2] [3] [4] [5] In the foresaid parlement, the king demanded an aid of monie of the spiritualtie, for that (as he preten|ded) he meant to make a iournie into the holie land, to succour the christians there:The eleuenth part of ecclesi|asticall reue|nues gran|ted to the K. whervpon they gran|ted to him the eleuenth part of all their mooueables. He receiued the monie aforehand, but letted by other businesse at home, he went not foorth vpon that iour|nie. In the ninetéenth yeare of king Edward, quéene Elianor king Edwards wife died vpon saint An|drews eeuen at Herdebie, Anno Reg. 19. The deceasse of Q. Elianor or Herdelie (as some haue) neere to Lincolne, the king being as then on his waie towards the borders of Scotland: but ha|uing now lost the iewell which he most estéemed, he returned towards London to accompanie the corps vnto Westminster, Thom. Walsin. where it was buried in S. Ed|wards chapell, at the féet of king Henrie the third. She was a godlie and modest princesse, full of pitie, and one that shewed much fauour to the English na|tion,The praise of the quéene deceassed. readie to releeue euerie mans greefe that sustei|ned wrong, and to make them fréends that were at discord, so farre as in hir laie. In euerie towne and place, where the corps rested by the waie, the king caused a crosse of cunning workmanship to be erec|ted in remembrance of hir, and in the same was a picture of hir ingrauen. Two of the like crosses were set vp at London, one at Charing,Charing|crosse & other erected. and the other in Westcheape. Morouer, he gaue in almes euerie wed|nesday wheresoeuer he went, pence a péece, to all such poore folkes as came to demand the same.