[1] The morrow after were the wardens sworne and with them as associated Brian Fitz Alane,The wardẽs sworne. and there all the earles and lords of Scotland that were pre|sent sware fealtie vnto king Edward, as to their su|preme souereigne lord, and withall there was peace proclaimed, and publike edicts set foorth in the name of the same king, intituled supreme lord of the realme of Scotland. The residue of the Scotish nobilitie, earles,The Scotish nobilitie dooth fealtie to king Edward. barons, knights, and others, with the bishops and abbats, vpon his comming into Scotland, sware fealtie either to himselfe in person, or to such as he ap|pointed his deputies to receiue the same, in sundrie towns and places, according to order giuen in that behalfe. Such as refused to doo their fealties, were at|tached by their bodies till they should doo their fealties as they were bound. Those that came not, but excused themselues vpon some reasonable cause, were heard, and had day giuen vntill the next parlement but such as neither came, nor made any reasonable excuse, were appointed to be distreined to come.