[1] Now after that the truce with the Scots was expired, which tooke end at the feast of All saints last past, the king sent the lord Iohn Segraue, Polydor. The lord Se|graue sẽt with an armie into Scotland. a right valiant knight (but not so circumspect in his gouern|ment as was necessarie) with a great armie into Scotland, to haue the rule of the land as lord war|den of the same: with him was ioined also Rafe Confreie, treasurer of the armie. These two cap|teins comming to the borders, Abington. Polydor. and hearing that the Scotishmen alreadie were in armes, they entered into Scotland, and in order of battell passed foorth to Edenburgh, and hearing nothing of their eni|mies which kept them still in the mounteins, they de|uided their armie into three seuerall battels, two of the which came behind the fore ward vnder the lea|ding of the said Rafe Confreie, the third (that is to say) the fore ward, the lord Segraue led himselfe, in such order that there was the distance of foure miles betwixt their lodgings. This they did to be the more plentiouslie serued of vittels.