[1] Herewith the king of England was so mooued, that although the said Leolin made sute for peace, and offred no small sum of monie to haue the daugh|ter of the earle of Leicester his fianced wife deliue|red to him, yet would not the king by any meanes consent to that marriage, nor receiue any monie of him, except he would restore vnto the right owners such lands as he had inuaded and got into his posses|sion, and further repaire such castels as he had de|stroied. Herevpon grew no small grudge betwixt the Welshmen and Englishmen, so that to represse the inuasion of the enimies in the parts towards Bristow, Mountgomerie and Chester, the king sent three hundred men in armes on horssebacke. In the quindene of Easter, the king departing from West|minster, hasted towards Wales with a mightie power, Matth. West. The excheker and the king [...] bench remo|ued to Shre|wesburie. and caused the courts of the excheker and of his bench to remooue vnto Shrewesburie, that they might be néere vnto him, making forward with all conuenient speed to come to the aid and succour of his liege people.