[1] [2] [3] [4] Then was Iohn Warren earle of Surrey and Sussex made by king Edward warden of Scotland,Officers ap|pointed in Scotland by king Iohn. Hugh Cressingham treasurer, and William Or|mesbie high iustice, whome the king commanded, that he should call all those before him which held any lands of the crowne, and to receiue of them in his name their homages and fealties.Iohn Balioll sent to Lon|don. Iohn Balioll the late king of Scotland was sent to London, and had a conuenient companie of seruants appointed to attend him, hauing licence to go any whither abroad, so that he kept himselfe within the circuit of twentie miles néere to London. Iohn Comin of Badenaw, and Iohn Comin of Lowan, and diuerse nobles of Scotland were brought into England on the south side of Trent, being warned vpon paine of death not to returne into Scotland, till the king had made an end of his wars with France. After this,A parlement at saint Ed|mundsburie. at his re|turne into England, king Edward held a parlement at saint Edmundsburie, which began the morrow af|ter the feast of All saints, in which the citizens & bur|gesses of good townes granted vnto him an eighth part of their goods,A subsidie granted. and of the residue of the people a twelfth part.