[1] [2] About the feast of S. Matthew in Februarie, the king called a parlement of his nobles (not admitting thereto any of the cleargie) at Salisburie,A parlement at Salisburie and there required certeine of his Nobles to passe ouer into Gascoine, but euerie of them séemed to excuse him|selfe, whereat the king being mooued, threatened that they should either go, or he would giue their lands to other that would go, with which words manie of them were gréeuouslie offended, in so much that the earles of Hereford and Marshall, Humfrie Bohun, and Roger Bigod, declared that they would be rea|die to go with the king if he went himselfe, or else not. And when the earle Marshall was eftsoones re|quired to go, he answered, I will willinglie go with the king, and march before him in the fore ward, as by right of inheritance I am bound.
Yea (saith the king) and you shall go with other though I go not. I am not so bound (saith the earle) neither doo I pur|pose to take the iournie in hand with you.