[1] The admerall of the French fléet kindled in an|ger herewith, sailed streight vnto Douer, and there landing with his people,Douer rob|bed by the French. robbed the towne and prio|rie. The townesmen being striken with terror and feare of the sudden landing of their enimies, fled into the countrie, and raised people on euerie side, the which being assembled togither in great numbers, towards euening came to Douer, and inuading such Frenchmen as were straied abroad to seeke preies, slue them downe in sundrie places.The French|men chased to their ships. The French ad|merall which had beene busie all the day in pilfering the towne, hearing the noise of those Frenchmen that came running towards the sea side, streight|waies got him to his ships with such pillage as he could take with him. The other Frenchmen, which were gone abroad into the countrie to fetch preies, and could not come to their ships in time, were slaine euerie mothers sonne. Some of them hid them|selues in the corne fields, and were after slaine of the countrie people.Frenchmen slaine about Douer. There was little lesse than eight hundred of them thus slaine by one meane and other at that time. There were not manie of the men of Douer slaine, for they escaped by swift flight at the first entrie made by the Frenchmen: but of wo|men and children there died a great number, for the enimies spared none. There was also an old moonke slaine named Thomas, a man of such vertue (as the opinion went) that after his deceasse, manie mira|cles through him were shewed.