[1] For the assurance of which articles and couenants the prince deliuered for hostages ten persons of the best in Wales, which he could get without imprison|ment, disheriting, or terme of deliuera [...]e, and of e|uerie cantred twentie persons,In oth to be rec [...]i [...]ed. of the best and most sufficient, to be chosen by such as the king shall send thither yeerelie, & shall from yéere to yéere he sworne vpon the euangelists, in presence of the bailiffes of the said Leolin, that whensoeuer the prince shall breake any of these articles, and vpon admonition dooth not reforme himselfe, they shall forsake him, and in all things, being vnto him open enimies, shall beare him deadlie hostilitie.