[1] [2] [3] The king from Sluice first went to Bruges, la. Mei [...]. and after to Gaunt, finding the countrie in euill state, by reason that the good towns were not all of one mind: for diuers of them misliked with the dooings of the earle,Lisle [...] to the [...] king. in that he had alied himselfe with the French kings aduersaries. About the beginning of Septem|ber was Li [...]le yeelded vnto the French king, and af|ter that they of Doway, Curtray, and Bruges, did likewise submit themselues to the same king.Charle [...] [...] Ualois [...] to [...] Then was Charles earle of Ualois sent to Bruges to for|tifie that towne, and to take the English nauie that laie at anchor in the hauen of Dam: but the En|glishmen hauing warning thereof, got foorth with their vessels into the sea, and so the earle of Ualois be|ing disappointed of that preie, set in hand to fortifie Bruges and Dam. But the earle of Austrich, & Ro|bert de Neuers son to earle Guy, being sent with a power of Englishmen, Flemings, and other soul|diors vnto Dam, fought with the Frenchmen, slue foure hundreth of them, besides diuers that were ta|ken, and recouered the towne. They might also haue recouered Bruges, as was thought, if the English|men and Flemings had not fallen at strife, & fought togither about diuiding of the preie.