[1] Moreouer pope Boniface at the sute of the Scots wrote his letters vnto king Edward, commanding him by the same and by the archbishop of Canturbu|rie, whome he appointed to deliuer the same letters by other letters to him directed, that he should not onelie release and set at libertie all such Scots as he had in prison, but also giue ouer his warres which he made against the realme of Scotland: and if he meant to make anie claime to the same, then to send his procurators vnto the court of Rome, and there to shew what euidence he could for his right thereto, where the mater (as he mainteined) was to be heard, decided, and iudged; and not elsewhere. The archbi|shop, according to the popes commandement, did the message, and presented the popes letters vnto the king, who deferred the answer vnto the assemblie of the estates in parlement, and hereof the archbishop aduertised the pope accordinglie, as in the letters to him diercted he was commanded; which he durst not but satisfie, bicause he was persuaded the popes au|thoritie to haue beene so ample and peremptorie, that there was no resisting or gainesaieng of him, sith,

Vt medijs ludunt in aquis immania coete,
Et patulo pisces quoslibet ore vorant:Antith, Christ. & Antichrist. pag. 24.
Sic tenet imperium mortales inter, & omnes
Diripit, illicita subdit & arte du [...]es,
Omnibus insultans, sic subijcit impius orbem,
Implicat atque suo regia colla iugo.