[1] When the king vnderstood this, he much commen|ded the honest respect of the capteine, and whereas he had caused engins to be raised to annoie them with|in (as yée haue heard) he commanded the same to ceasse, and withall, vpon their capteins suit, he gran|ted them libertie to send vnto their king Iohn Bali|oll, to giue him to vnderstand in what sort they stood. As touching the Welshman,A Welshman hanged. he was drawne and hanged on a paire of high galowes, prepared for him of purpose, as he had well deserued. A notable example of a traitorous villaine, so to offer the se|crets of his souereigne to be known to his enimies: and no lesse excellent a president of an honest and faithfull harted foe, that would not himselfe nor let anie other haue a sight of the contents therein writ|ten; a rare point of good meaning and vpright dea|ling in a souldier, and speciallie in an enimie; but

—multo optimus ille
Militiae cui postremum est primúm, tueri
Inter bella fidem.