[1] At this coronation were present Alexander king of Scots, and Iohn earle of Britaine, with their wiues that were sisters to K. Edward. The king of Scots did homage vnto king Edward for the realme of Scotland, in like maner as other the kings of Scot|land before him had doone to other kings of England ancestours to this king Edward. At the solemnitie of this coronation there were let go at libertie (catch them that catch might) fiue hundred great horsses by the king of Scots, the earles of Cornewall, Caxton. Gloce|ster, Penbroke, Warren, & others, as they were al|lighted frõ their backs. ¶ On S. Nicholas euen there chanced such an earthquake with lightning and thun|der, and therewithall the appearing of the burning drake, and a blasing starre called a comet, that the people were brought into no small feare vpon consi|deration thereof. But now to the point of the hi|storie.