[1] [2] In the meane time,The king of England con|cludeth [...] league with the earle of Flanders. He conclu|deth a league also with the earle of Bar. The earle of Bar inuadeth Champaigne. king Edward not sléeping his businesse, procured Guie earle of Flanders to ioine with him in league against the Frenchmen. This Guie was the son of Margaret countesse of Flan|ders, whom she had by hir second husband William lord of Dampire in Burstoine. Also king Edward procured Henrie earle of Bar, to whome (as before ye haue heard) he had giuen his daughter Eleanor in marriage, to make warre vpon the Frenchmen, so that at one time the erle of Bar inuaded the coun|trie of Champaigne, and the earle of Flanders made incursions vpon those countries of France which ioine vnto Flanders. King Philip hereof aduerti|sed, sent forth one Walter de Cressie with a great armie against the earle of Bar, so that besieging the cheefest towne of Bar, he constreined the said earle to leaue off his enterprise in Champaigne, and to re|turne home, for doubt to lose more there than hee should win abroad.