[1] This yeare on S. Margarets euen, that is, Anno Reg. [...]. 128 [...] the 9 daie of Iulie, fell a woonderfull tempest of haile, that the like had not beene seene nor heard of by any man then liuing. And after, Hen. Ma [...]. A sore tem|pest of ha [...]e. Ran. H [...]gd. there insued such continuall raine, so distempering the ground, that corne waxed verie deare, so that wheras wheat was sold before at thrée pence a bushell,A great dearth be|ginneth. the market so rose by little and little, that it was sold for two shillings a bushell, and so the dearth increased still almost by the space of 40 yeares, till the death of Edward the second, in so much that sometime a bushell of wheat London mea|sure was sold at ten shillings.