[1] [2] The bishops taking councell togither, required of him that the statute of Mortmain might be repealed,The prelates require to haue the sta|tute of Mort|main repealed which they saw to be most preiudiciall to their order. But the king answered them, that without the whole consent of a parlement he could not breake that ordi|nance, which by authoritie of parlement had beene once established, and therefore he wished that they would not require that thing which laie not in him to grant,The K. shif|teth them off. and so by that means he shifted them off. The spiritualtie was not onelie charged with this subsi|die, but they of the temporaltie were also burthened. For the citizens and burgesses of good townes gaue to the king the sixt part of their goods, N. Triuet. and the residue of the people gaue the tenth part.