[1] Those Englishmen that kept the towne of Burg,Burg desie|ged. being compassed about with a siege by Mounseur de Sully, obteined truce for a certeine space, during the which they sent vnto Blaines for some reléefe of vit|tels, and where other refused to bring vp a ship loden with vittels, which was there prepared,The lord Si|mon de Mon|tagew his en|terprise to res|cue the garri|son of Burg. the lord Si|mon de Montagew, a right valiant chéefetaine, and a wise, tooke vpon him the enterprise, and through the middle of the French gallies, which were placed in the riuer to stop that no ship should passe towards that towne, by helpe of a prosperous wind, he got in|to the hauen of Burg, and so relieued them within of their want of vittels, by meanes whereof, Moun|seur de Sully brake vp his siege,The siege is raised. and returned into France.